Integrated quality, environment, health and safety policy

SABO S.p.A. pursues sustainable development strategies and objectives aimed at meeting the needs of its employees and all stakeholders as well as the development of the markets where the company operates and invests in research, training and process improvement, in accordance with the fundamental principles of health and safety at work, quality, environmental protection and sustainability.

For this reason, the company implemented an Integrated Management System, which identifies and synergistically integrates the important parts of all systems, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, FAMI-QS, QS-SCHEME, GMP EFfCI and RSPO.

By adopting best practices dictated by national and international reference standards, SABO is able to grow as a modern, effective, reputable company and continuously monitor and optimise company processes.

The Integrated Quality, Environment, Health and Safety Policy reinforces the provisions of the SABO Code of Ethics and confirms the company’s firm commitment to:

• Work to ensure that all products placed on the market meet the service quality and performance specifications the customer expects and are manufactured in accordance with current laws or voluntary compliance with regulations, respecting and protecting the environment, the health and safety of workers, food safety and contamination prevention (GMP) and also considering eco-compatibility from the design phase;

• Manage business processes according to the principles of continuous improvement, assessing and reducing any type of risk arising from changes, such as the introduction of new raw materials, new products or new processes, and ensuring the use of the best available technologies that are economically viable, in accordance with the principle of sustainable development;

• Plan activities strategically, taking into account the risks and opportunities and maintaining an effective, integrated management system, in synergy with all company functions, to achieve the company’s objectives;

• Ensure that all customer or third-party complaints, non-conformities, deviations, accidents and injuries are analysed to identify the causes and implement appropriate corrective or preventive actions;

• Involve suppliers and outsourcing companies to monitor the procurement of products and services to ensure health, safety, and environment management system compliance;

• Promote a culture of safety and the prevention of injuries and accidents by implementing the appropriate technical, organisational, health and hygiene measures, with the aim of carrying out all activities in such a way as to avoid the risk of injury or occupational disease to its employees, suppliers, visitors and customers and avoid damage to plant, equipment, buildings, materials or other property as a result of accidents, fires or other hazardous situations;

• Eliminate hazards and reduce health and safety risks in the workplace;

• Provide adequate resources to fulfil the obligations of this Policy, ensuring that all employees and their representatives (WRs) are consulted and actively involved at every relevant stage of the process and require everyone to behave in a manner that does not put themselves or others at risk, in accordance with applicable laws, this Policy, and established procedures, also encouraging cultural changes and promoting the institution of themed working committees;

• Protect and enhance the environment by taking the necessary measures to prevent pollution and promote biodiversity;

• Reduce the environmental impact of its production activities, waste disposal and consumption of natural resources, also by effectively monitoring discharges and emissions and promoting recycling and/or reuse;

• Recognise the global significance of ongoing climate change and the need to combat it by limiting greenhouse gas emissions and adopting sustainable technologies, energy efficiency and using renewable energy, for example using low-power devices, installing LED lighting systems and implementing energy management programs;

• Ensure a focus on energy savings and efficiency, starting from procurement, evaluating these aspects in the technical specifications for purchasing machinery, equipment, raw materials, and service;

• Study and adopt more efficient water resource monitoring and management practices, such as reusing water and using more sustainable technologies that do not overtax the available water sources, and helping to protect the environment;

• Contribute to sustainable development, as defined by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), integrating this commitment into the business model by creating a multi-year ESG strategic plan that spans the different themes and drafting a periodic sustainability report. Integration occurs by operating with absolute transparency and foresight, cooperating with stakeholders in processes for creating shared value;

• Ensure the commitment to take the necessary measures to prevent fraud/adulteration and protect the organisation (certified according to the FAMI-QS standard) from possible illegal and terrorist activities within its supply chain;

• Ensure a level of security appropriate to the physical characteristics of the site and the information it processes;

• Foster and protect know-how, spreading good practices by area of expertise and optimising them to make the working methods and experience acquired shared assets;

• Effectively promote the training and involvement of staff so that they can express themselves in the best possible way, with professionalism and awareness of quality, safety and environmental aspects, each according to their specific skills and the work they do;

• Define improvement objectives and indicators, taking into account all aspects related to quality (with special emphasis on GMP), environment and occupational health and safety in each action taken, and monitor them through continuous reviews;

• Start the process of digitalising all activities, with the awareness that digital innovation tools can potentially create shared value between the company and stakeholders, helping to reduce the pressure on the environment and support company profits;

• Cooperate with the Competent Authorities, local communities and all stakeholders to develop a relationship of mutual trust, prevent all forms of pollution and manage any emergencies, minimising their internal and/or external effects as much as possible;

• Comply with the legal requirements, relevant regulations and laws in force, operating in full compliance with Italian and EU law, regulations and directives, and carrying out continuous monitoring through compliance checks;

• Ensure respect for internationally proclaimed human rights and protect the well-being of the people who work for the company (employees) and work with the company (suppliers and business partners) and the communities in which the company operates;

• Guarantee impartiality, inclusivity, fairness, transparency and personnel development, protect people and oppose all forms of violence and discrimination;

• Effectively spread the policy throughout the company and externally, stimulating dialogue with the authorities, all employees, customers and suppliers to publicise and make the improvement programmes and the results achieved understood.

These principles can be fully achieved through the direct participation and empowerment of all employees, each according to their own roles and responsibilities, as well as the involvement of suppliers, customers, and anyone who interacts directly or indirectly with the company.

This Integrated Quality, Environment, Health and Safety Policy is a constant reference during the periodic reviews to evaluate the results achieved and identify new ones, in line with the company’s approach to continuously improve business processes. At least once a year, Management reviews and updates it based on the findings arising from assessments and from monitoring relevant national and international trends to ensure that it stays adequate, consistent, and appropriate for the company’s specific activities.