Dear Customers, Partners and Suppliers,

we are pleased to confirm you all that our business continues uninterrupted, both in the Levate production plant and remotely as regards the administrative and management functions.

The chemical industry sector, due to its relevance and strategic role for the Country, has not in fact been blocked with the latest decree issued by the Italian Government, and taken up only in its general lines by the media around the world, as well as the collateral activities necessary for the its functioning, including the transportation of incoming and outgoing goods.

We are also satisfied with the measures undertaken so far to guarantee the health and safety of our employees: the behavior adopted by SABO, also on proactive and voluntary basis, is also supported by Union Representatives and this is particularly important in the delicate moment the System is going through and requiring maximum cohesion and solidarity between all parties.

Instead, the suspension of business trips will be extended, probably until April 15, as well as the organization of meetings at our and other offices, as for the instructions of the Italian Authorities in charge.

We renew our gratitude to all those who are expressing solidarity towards our Company, and we wish everyone strength and trust. Italy and SABO hold on!

Germano Peverelli
SABO spa

Last UPDATE 23/3/2020